Time-Varying Volatility of Bank Betas

Time-Varying Volatility of Bank Betas


Associate Professor of Finance (SUNY Polytechnic Institute)

Time-Varying Volatility of Bank Betas (pdf paper)

Previous Research: Drechsler et al (2021)

  • Banks hedge interest rate risk by matching the sensitivities of interest income and expense to the short rate
  • Net interest margins are insensitive to interest rate changes
  • Key is the deposit franchise which acts like long-term debt rather than the short rate
  • Maturity transformation does not cause interest rate risk
  • Estimate static interest income and expense beta coefficients over their entire sample (1984 to 2017)
  • We should expect substantial variation in interest income betas given the sensitivity of duration to the coupon rate and yield
  • Are able to match interest income and expense betas at each quarter?
  • Measure a bank's uncertainty about whether they will be matched
  • This uncertainty is a yet unmeasured source of bank risk

Hypothesis and Goals

  • Banks forecast future interest income and expense betas and then adjust their balance sheet to attempt to lessen any difference
  • Banks reforecast betas and adjust their balance sheet in a continual dynamic matching strategy
  • A natural model of this process is the Kalman filter
  • Models a rational Bayesian market participant which updates forecasts of estimated coefficients as new information arrives
  • Test whether expense and income betas are matched each quarter
  • Measure the uncertainty of beta estimates
  • Test if the market prices this uncertainty


  • Built from a database of FDIC Call reports and ranges from October 1992 to June 2024
  • Total interest income to assets (FDIC BankFind code: INTINCY), expense to assets (EINTEXP), and assets for each bank over each quarter
  • Aggregate into deciles to control for bank size

Empirical Methods

Constant Coefficient Regressions

Interest Income Regression

$\Delta IntInc_{dt} = \alpha^{Inc}_d + \beta^{Inc}_{d,0} \Delta FedFunds_{t}$

$+ \beta^{Inc}_{d,1} \Delta FedFunds_{t-1} + \epsilon_{dt}$

and we report:

$$\beta^{Inc}_d = \beta^{Inc}_{d,0} + \beta^{Inc}_{d,1}$$

for each decile d.

Interest Income Regression

$\Delta IntExp_{dt} = \alpha^{Exp}_d + \beta^{Exp}_{d,0} \Delta FedFunds_{t}$

$+ \beta^{Exp}_{d,1} \Delta FedFunds_{t-1} + \epsilon_{dt}$

and we report:

$\beta^{Exp}_d = \beta^{Exp}_{d,0} + \beta^{Exp}_{d,1}$

for each decile d.

NIM Betas

$$\beta^{NIM}_d = \beta^{Inc}_d - \beta^{Exp}_d$$

Test for Non-Constant Coefficients

  • Brown, Durbin, Evans (1975)
  • Alternative is coefficients which follow a random walk.

State-Space Model

Kim and Nelson (1999)

"One nice thing about the Kalman Filter is that it gives us insight into how a rational economic agent would revise his estimates of the coefficients in a Bayesian fashion when new information is available in a world of uncertainty, especially under a changing policy regime"

$$\Delta IntInc_{dt} = \alpha_{d,t} + \beta^{Inc}_{d,0, t} \Delta FedFunds_{t}$$

$$+ \beta^{Inc}_{d,1, t} \Delta FedFunds_{t-1} + \epsilon_{dt}$$

where coefficients take the form of a random walk:

$$\alpha^{Inc}_{d,t} = \mu_1 + \gamma_1 \alpha^{Inc}_{d, t-1} + \nu_{1,t}$$ $$\beta^{Inc}_{d,0, t} = \mu_2 + \gamma_2 \beta^{Inc}_{d,0, t-1} + \nu_{2,t}$$ $$\beta^{Inc}_{d,1, t} = \mu_3 + \gamma_3 \beta^{Inc}_{d,1, t-1} + \nu_{3,t}$$
$$\epsilon_t \sim i.i.d. N(0, R)$$ $$\nu_t \sim i.i.d. N(0, Q)$$ $$E(\epsilon_t, \nu'_t) = 0$$
  • $\Delta IntInc_{dt}$ is the quarterly change interest income for decile $d$ at time $t$
  • $\Delta FedFunds_t$ is the quarterly change in the Federal Funds rate at time $t$
  • $\beta^{Inc}_{d,0,t}$ is the time-varying coefficient on the contemporaneous Federal Funds rate change for decile $d$ at time $t$
  • $\beta^{Inc}_{d,1,t}$ is the coefficient on the Federal Funds rate change lagged one quarter.

Conditional Variance

$H_{t|t-1} = x_{t-1}P_{t|t-1}x'_{t-1} + \sigma^2_{\epsilon}$


  • $x_{t-1}$ is the vector is the Fed Funds rate and its lag at time t-1
  • $P_{t|t-1}$ covariance matrix of $\beta_t$ conditional on information up to $t-1$. This is the degree of uncertainty associated with the inference on $\beta_t$ at time $t-1$.


Time-Varying Beta Coefficients

Interest Expense Betas

Interest Income Betas

Net Interest Margin Betas

Granger Causation

Conditional Volatility

Interest Expense Volatility

Interest Income Volatility

Market Pricing of Beta Volatility

  • Estimate an index model including time-varying volatility estimates
  • Dependent variable is $XLF$
  • Quarterly data from Q1 1999 to Q1 2024

Pricing Equation

$$\begin{equation} r_{XLF, t} = \gamma_0 + \gamma_1 \Delta CV_{Exp, t} + \gamma_2 \Delta CV_{Inc, t} + \gamma_3 r_{M, t} + \xi_t \end{equation}$$


  • One standard deviation increase in uncertainty $\Rightarrow$ 2.34% decline in stock values
  • This lowers the largest bank stocks by about \$47 billion


Time-Varying Betas

  • We find evidence that interest income and expense betas vary substantially over time
  • Weak evidence that expense betas Granger cause income betas

Beta Forecast Uncertainty

  • Beta uncertainty rose prior to the 2008 and 2023 financial crises
  • Expense uncertainty rose more for large banks, and income uncertainty for small banks
  • Uncertainty was very low from 2009 to 2019---a benefit of ZIRP
  • Interest expense uncertainty Granger causes income uncertainty

Pricing Beta Forecast Uncertainty

  • Interest expense uncertainty is negatively affects bank stock prices
  • One standard deviation increase in uncertainty $\Rightarrow$ 2.34% in stock values
  • This relationship is new to the literature and cannot be hedged

Future Research

Beta and Volatility by Bank Operational Focus

SPECGRP: title: Asset Concentration Hierarchy description: An indicator of an institution's primary specialization in terms of asset concentration if (ctx.SPECGRP == 0) { ctx.SPECGRPN = 'No Specialization Group'; } else if (ctx.SPECGRP == 1) { ctx.SPECGRPN = 'International Specialization'; } else if (ctx.SPECGRP == 2) { ctx.SPECGRPN = 'Agricultural Specialization'; } else if (ctx.SPECGRP == 3) { ctx.SPECGRPN = 'Credit-card Specialization'; } else if (ctx.SPECGRP == 4) { ctx.SPECGRPN = 'Commercial Lending Specialization'; } else if (ctx.SPECGRP == 5) { ctx.SPECGRPN = 'Mortgage Lending Specialization'; } else if (ctx.SPECGRP == 6) { ctx.SPECGRPN = 'Consumer Lending Specialization'; } else if (ctx.SPECGRP == 7) { ctx.SPECGRPN = 'Other Specialized Under 1 Billion'; } else if (ctx.SPECGRP == 8) { ctx.SPECGRPN = 'All Other Under 1 Billion'; } else if (ctx.SPECGRP == 9) { ctx.SPECGRPN = 'All Other Over 1 Billion'; } else { ctx.SPECGRPN = 'Error in Specialization Group'; }

Does the market price beta forecast uncertainty at the bank level?