Associate Professor of Finance (SUNY Polytechnic Institute)
$\Delta IntInc_{dt} = \alpha^{Inc}_d + \beta^{Inc}_{d,0} \Delta FedFunds_{t}$
$+ \beta^{Inc}_{d,1} \Delta FedFunds_{t-1} + \epsilon_{dt}$and we report:
$$\beta^{Inc}_d = \beta^{Inc}_{d,0} + \beta^{Inc}_{d,1}$$for each decile d.
$\Delta IntExp_{dt} = \alpha^{Exp}_d + \beta^{Exp}_{d,0} \Delta FedFunds_{t}$
$+ \beta^{Exp}_{d,1} \Delta FedFunds_{t-1} + \epsilon_{dt}$and we report:
$\beta^{Exp}_d = \beta^{Exp}_{d,0} + \beta^{Exp}_{d,1}$for each decile d.
"One nice thing about the Kalman Filter is that it gives us insight into how a rational economic agent would revise his estimates of the coefficients in a Bayesian fashion when new information is available in a world of uncertainty, especially under a changing policy regime"
$$\Delta IntInc_{dt} = \alpha_{d,t} + \beta^{Inc}_{d,0, t} \Delta FedFunds_{t}$$
$$+ \beta^{Inc}_{d,1, t} \Delta FedFunds_{t-1} + \epsilon_{dt}$$where coefficients take the form of a random walk:
$$\alpha^{Inc}_{d,t} = \mu_1 + \gamma_1 \alpha^{Inc}_{d, t-1} + \nu_{1,t}$$ $$\beta^{Inc}_{d,0, t} = \mu_2 + \gamma_2 \beta^{Inc}_{d,0, t-1} + \nu_{2,t}$$ $$\beta^{Inc}_{d,1, t} = \mu_3 + \gamma_3 \beta^{Inc}_{d,1, t-1} + \nu_{3,t}$$where:
SPECGRP: title: Asset Concentration Hierarchy description: An indicator of an institution's primary specialization in terms of asset concentration if (ctx.SPECGRP == 0) { ctx.SPECGRPN = 'No Specialization Group'; } else if (ctx.SPECGRP == 1) { ctx.SPECGRPN = 'International Specialization'; } else if (ctx.SPECGRP == 2) { ctx.SPECGRPN = 'Agricultural Specialization'; } else if (ctx.SPECGRP == 3) { ctx.SPECGRPN = 'Credit-card Specialization'; } else if (ctx.SPECGRP == 4) { ctx.SPECGRPN = 'Commercial Lending Specialization'; } else if (ctx.SPECGRP == 5) { ctx.SPECGRPN = 'Mortgage Lending Specialization'; } else if (ctx.SPECGRP == 6) { ctx.SPECGRPN = 'Consumer Lending Specialization'; } else if (ctx.SPECGRP == 7) { ctx.SPECGRPN = 'Other Specialized Under 1 Billion'; } else if (ctx.SPECGRP == 8) { ctx.SPECGRPN = 'All Other Under 1 Billion'; } else if (ctx.SPECGRP == 9) { ctx.SPECGRPN = 'All Other Over 1 Billion'; } else { ctx.SPECGRPN = 'Error in Specialization Group'; }